+49-30-88925935 mp@mp-consult.de


Urban development

Urban development

  • M. Pristl (2013): Urban challenges – 2nd Foreign Trade Day in Berlin

Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 4 April 2013, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin, p. 27.

  • M. Pristl (2013): Urban Energies – 6th Federal Congress on National Urban Development Policy in Berlin

Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 1/2 April 2013, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin, p. 32.

Competitions → RPW2013 → 2018/2021

Presentation at the workshop event “Planning competitions in practice” on 15.04.2021 in Potsdam:

“Sustainable in the planning competition” illustrated by current examples in Berlin organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the Chamber of Engineers-

Lecture at the workshop event “Planning competitions in practice” on 28.03.2019 in Potsdam:

“Why planning competitions? Good reasons for planning competitions according to RPW2013 presented using current examples in Berlin” organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the Chamber of Engineers.

Lecture at the workshop event “Planning competitions in practice” on 27.02.2018 in Potsdam:

Negotiated procedure according to VgV versus planning competitions according to RPW2013 using the example of the “Rudolf-Wissell-Brücke ideas competition in Berlin” organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and the Chamber of Engineers.

Further information and presentation documents can be found at: mil.brandenburg.de/service/publications ↑


Lecture at the workshop event “Planning competitions in practice” on 23.02.2017 in Potsdam:

Why interdisciplinary planning competitions? using the example of the Plötzensee prison bridge
organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Planning, Brandenburg Chamber of Architects and Engineers:

more: mil.brandenburg.de/mil/en ↑

PristL, M. (2016): Bridge competitions in focus: Innovative designs thanks to high-quality planning. Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 10 October 2016, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin, p. 54.

PristL, Marion (2016): Aus dem Wettbewerbsausschuss der Baukammer Berlin – Beispiele für gelungene interdisziplinäre Planungswettbewerbe nach RPW 2013. Baukammer Berlin Zeitschrift für die im Bauwesen tätigen Ingenieure Issue 3 October 2016. CB-Verlag Berlin, p. 36.

PristL, M. (2014): VOF2009 and RPW2013: Civil engineers in the field of tension. Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 11 November 2014, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin, p. 34.

PristL, Marion (2014): From the Competition Committee of the Berlin Building Chamber – Demand for improvements in the practical implementation of competitions in accordance with RPW2013 . Baukammer Berlin Zeitschrift für die im Bauwesen tätigen Ingenieure Heft 3 Oktober 2014. CB-Verlag Berlin, S. 44.

PristL, Marion (2013): Neue Richtlinie für Planungswettbewerbe – Einführungsveranstaltung im Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung BMVBS am 16. Juli 2013 in Berlin – Intentionen und Neuregelungen der RPW 2013. Baukammer Berlin Zeitschrift für die im Bauwesen tätigen Ingenieure Heft 3 Oktober 2013. CB-Verlag Berlin, p. 51.

PristL, Marion (2012): Brückenwettbewerb “Tempelhofer Freiheit” in Berlin – Competition for the new construction of the south bridge decided. BK Baukammer Berlin Zeitschrift für die im Bauwesen tätigen Ingenieure issue 4 December 2012. CB-Verlag Berlin, p. 11.


PristL, Marion (2012): Urban energies. Get involved, colleagues! Beratende Ingenieure VBi-Fachmagazin für Planen und Bauen issue 11/ 12 December 2012, Krammer Verlag Düsseldorf, p. 11.


PristL, M. (2010): A self-evident task. Two years of RPW 2008: The expertise of civil engineers is always in demand. Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 10 October 2010, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin, p. 48.

PristL, M. (2004): TATORT : STADT. report by the jury member of the Federal Chamber of Engineers on the interdisciplinary competition for young planners. Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 03 March 2004, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin.

www.baukammerberlin.de/veroeffentlichungen/konstruktiv-das-baukammer-magazin ↑


www.vbi.de/shop ↑


Berlin Central Station - Lehrter Station

Lehrter stationPristL, M. (2005): Simple, genuine and accessible. What Lehrter Bahnhof can teach engineers about building culture.

Deutsches Ingenieurblatt issue 10 October 2005, Schiele Schön Verlag Berlin, p. 22.

www.schiele-schoen.de ↑

Terracotta façade

Terracotta façadeMarx, Plauk, PristL (1999): The terracotta façade of the new picture gallery in Berlin. Bauingenieur 10/1999 Springer-Verlag Düsseldorf .

Marx, Plauk, PristL (1994): TERRAKOTTA-FASSADE : Ziegelindustrie International 3/1994 Bauverlag Wiesbaden .

Plauk, PristL, Zeisig (1993): The Terracotta Facade of the Picture Gallery of the Museum of European Art in Berlin:: BAUVORHABEN 44. Jahrgang/ Dec. 20, 1993 Verlag Berliner Bauvorhaben Berlin .

Creep & Shrinkage

Müller, H.S., PristL, M. (1993): Creep and shrinkage of concrete at variable ambient conditions. Invited lecture for the Fifth International RILEM Symposium on Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete ConCreep 5, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 6-9, 1993 .

PristL, M., Winkler, H., Müller, H.S., (1992):The Effect of Variable Humidity on the Creep and Shrinkage of Concrete. Scientific Journal of the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Weimar. 38 3/4/5, pp. 227-233 .

Concrete Shell

Kollegger, J., PristL, M., Mehlhorn, G. (1990): Construction method for double curved reinforced concrete roof shells with precast elements.

Proceedings of the Symposium Spatial Structures of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), Dresden-Cottbus, Sept. 10-14, 1990, pp.108-116 .

Glass in Space